Free foodgrain to 80 crore poor Indians & 5000 poor in Ghatkopar…!


“No one went hungry in India during pandemic” Nirmala Sitharaman.

‘No one will sleep hungry in my Ghatkopar” Parag Shah.

Indian government feeds 80 crores poor Indians by distributing free food grains, I am wondering whether they forgot to included 5000 poor people of Ghatkopar or poor people of Ghatkopar are availing both  benefits of free foodgrains and free meal…? 

Who are these poor? Government has given BPL card to those who deserve free ration but in Ghatkopar who will be benefited? If it is for the deserving people than this activity is welcome but should not be for lazy beggers…! – I caution if it is distributed without categorizing then Ghatkopar will become hub of beggers…! We are already facing this menace in Ghatkopar especially in khau gully.

I do not object so long it is samaj sewa to feed the deserving; people who have money do Dhan Daan, people who know knowledge do Vidhya Daan and Soldiers do Bali Daan. Sacrifice and Sewa are both important in Hindu religion.

Look at this numbers:

80 Crore people get free grain, thats a whopping 57% of our Population dependent on PDS which is worse than Somalia where only 31.1% Population depend on External or Govt charity for their meals.

Look at this hunger data which is very scary:

India’s hunger statistics are among the poorest in the world. India was ranked 102 out of 117 countries in the Global Hunger Index (GHI) 2019. As a comparison, India was ranked worse than Pakistan and Bangladesh.

The absolute levels of hunger, particularly among children, are even more troubling. More than 19 crore Indians are undernourished (GHI 2019). More than 56 lakh Indian children (0-4 years), that is, 4.9 per cent, are in the “severe wasting” category (UNICEF March 2020 report), which means that these children have extremely low weight-to-height ratio. Using UNICEF findings, an Indian Express report has claimed that more than three lakh children die due to starvation every year.

Hence, the point is Samaj sewa is more needed in rural India where the poor are benefited but in urban India, I doubt the opportunist and undeserving people will avail this benefit…?


Free foodgrain to 80 crore poor Indians & 5000 poor in Ghatkopar…!


“No one went hungry in India during pandemic” Nirmala Sitharaman.

‘No one will sleep hungry in my Ghatkopar” Parag Shah.

Indian government feeds 80 crores poor Indians by distributing free food grains, I am wondering whether they forgot to included 5000 poor people of Ghatkopar or poor people of Ghatkopar are availing both  benefits of free foodgrains and free meal…? 

Who are these poor? Government has given BPL card to those who deserve free ration but in Ghatkopar who will be benefited?if it is for deserving people than this activity is welcome but should not for lazy beggers…! – I caution if it is distributed without categorizing then Ghatkopar will become heaven of beggers…! We are already facing this menace in Ghatkopar especially in khau gully.

I do not object so long it is samaj sewa to feed the deserving; people who have money do Dhan Daan, people who know knowledge do Vidhya Daan and Soldiers do Bali Daan. Sacrifice and Sewa are both important in Hindu religion.

Look at this numbers:

80 Crore people get free grain, thats a whopping 57% of our Population dependent on PDS which is worse than Somalia where only 31.1% Population depend on External or Govt charity for their meals.

Look at this hunger data which is very scary:

India’s hunger statistics are among the poorest in the world. India was ranked 102 out of 117 countries in the Global Hunger Index (GHI) 2019. As a comparison, India was ranked worse than Pakistan and Bangladesh.

The absolute levels of hunger, particularly among children, are even more troubling. More than 19 crore Indians are undernourished (GHI 2019). More than 56 lakh Indian children (0-4 years), that is, 4.9 per cent, are in the “severe wasting” category (UNICEF March 2020 report), which means that these children have extremely low weight-to-height ratio. Using UNICEF findings, an Indian Express report has claimed that more than three lakh children die due to starvation every year.

Hence, the point is Samaj sewa is more needed in rural India where the poor are benefited but in urban India, I doubt the opportunist and undeserving people will be benefited…?


Free foodgrain to 80 crore to poor Indian & 5000 poor in Ghatkopar…!


“No one went hungry in India during pandemic” Nirmala Sitharaman.

‘No one will sleep hungry in my Ghatkopar” Parag Shah.

Indian government feeds 80 crores poor Indians by distributing free food grains, I am wondering whether they forgot to included 5000 poor people of Ghatkopar or poor people of Ghatkopar are availing both  benefits of free foodgrains and free meal…? 

Who are these poor? Government has given BPL card to those who deserve free ration but in Ghatkopar who will be benefited?if it is for deserving people than this activity is welcome but should not for lazy beggers…! – I caution if it is distributed without categorizing then Ghatkopar will become heaven of beggers…! We are already facing this menace in Ghatkopar especially in khau gully.

I do not object so long it is samaj sewa to feed the deserving; people who have money do Dhan Daan, people who know knowledge do Vidhya Daan and Soldiers do Bali Daan. Sacrifice and Sewa are both important in Hindu religion.

Look at this numbers:

80 Crore people get free grain, thats a whopping 57% of our Population dependent on PDS which is worse than Somalia where only 31.1% Population depend on External or Govt charity for their meals.

Look at this hunger data which is very scary:

India’s hunger statistics are among the poorest in the world. India was ranked 102 out of 117 countries in the Global Hunger Index (GHI) 2019. As a comparison, India was ranked worse than Pakistan and Bangladesh.

The absolute levels of hunger, particularly among children, are even more troubling. More than 19 crore Indians are undernourished (GHI 2019). More than 56 lakh Indian children (0-4 years), that is, 4.9 per cent, are in the “severe wasting” category (UNICEF March 2020 report), which means that these children have extremely low weight-to-height ratio. Using UNICEF findings, an Indian Express report has claimed that more than three lakh children die due to starvation every year.

Hence, the point is Samaj sewa is more needed in rural India where the poor are benefited but in urban India, I doubt the opportunist and undeserving people will be benefited…?


Who made common man life miserable…?


Nirmala Sitharaman will be India’s first finance minister to present seven consecutive Union Budgets, crossing Morarji Desai’s record of six. Prior to Sitharaman, Morarji Desai had tabled five full budgets and one interim budget, serving as the country’s finance minister from 1959 to 1964.

First of all let us understand that the Finance ministry plays the most critical role in budget planning say:

Revenue generation, deciding key economic policies, effective uses of the monetary and fiscal policies, giving direction to the economy, controlling inflationary pressures, maintaining CAD, maintaining healthy Forex reserve, maintaining BOP, maintaining currency value, maintaining GDP growth in real terms like employment generation, controlling NPA, reducing the fiscal deficit, reducing Debt to GDP ratio, reducing debt level both internal and external. I do not think Madam Sitharaman has been able to perform in any of the parameters.

Here the evaluation is further pathetic. She has failed miserably. Loss of employment, curtailment of jobs, huge price hike, increase in taxation, imposition of GST on medical services, huge increase of cost of medical treatment, medicines, all kinds of taxation ATM withdrawal, GST on Cheque book, a huge increase in fuel cost. the gap between rich and poor ever increasing, more people have gone under the poverty line, and public assets are being sold.

People are getting crippled under the pressure of taxation and increase in the cost of living with reduced earnings. You will not get a single parameter where you can say that madam Sitharaman has performed well. She has made the life of common people miserable. On top of it, she always speaks to people so rudely. She tries to mislead people with wrong information and lies. So she failed on people’s front also.

Right now, the country can’t afford to have an amateur finance minister. We had 8 straight quarters of falling numbers followed by Covid. There had been no response from her side as to how the crisis will be managed. PM mentioned a stimulus of 20 lakh crores! It took 3 days for Finance Minister to give the break up of that number. There can’t be more mismanagement than this. This is time that she decides to hang her boots…!

Tulsi Bhimjyani: A Financial Wizard…!

Tulsi Bhimjyani


You will be surprise to know that Tulsi bhai was an science graduate and not commerce, but finance and accounts was in his blood, very few people in this world who can smell money and Tulsi bhai was one of them – it was a God’s gift…!

I have worked with him for more than 35 years and I know him more than anyone else in this world, but lately, I realized that he was genius, he was financial astrologer, a man who had the ability to envisage the company’s financial future, he had financial skill of budgeting & investing – borrowings & repaying debts, though he didn’t knew these technical parameters but yes he does it in his own unique style:

He can read company’s financials from any page not necessary from first page and he can assess how good or bad company is doing, he can able to figure out whether it true or manipulated balance-sheet, even our auditors Sharad Vimadalal or our tax consultant Rajendra bhai Mehta or CFO Bimal Tanna & Chief accountant Rajesh Shah all were impressed with his financial skill. If our accountant Pandya makes mistake, he use to fire “tu accountant chho ke hajam…!” He will shout at Pandya or sometimes he will abuse him but Pandya always took it as blessings even today he remembers Tulsi bhai- his mentor with all praise & respect.

In 1980s we were No.1 exporters of Basmati rice from India but Tulsi bhai was not excited being no.1 he always says “ketla rupiya banaviya ema mane ras chhe” though his knowledge was limited in quality of Basmati rice, than too, he wants to sell it at premium price. While marketing Basmati, he will speak less about the quality and more on technology “you see we have state-of-art Japanese Satake plant, polishers, grading machine, color sortex and automatic packaging machine to maintain the hygiene…!” That Arab gets impressed on him and Tulsi bhai continues “this is futuristic Basmati rice” that Arab customer will happily give the premium of US$50 per ton. Then Tulsi bhai will look at me and say “joyu aam lallu banavana”

He was a simple man, he loves simple home made food DBRS, he had no vices because nothing stimulates him except money, not even single malt, or stock market nor a roulette table in Las Vegas, he knew that he can make big money only from the property business and so he created the land bank, he purchased acres of land at throw away prices and today after 10 years that land bank has become goldmine…!

Unfortunately, today he is not with us to see what he sow, now his family is reaping…!

Thank you Tulsibhai you taught us a lesson ‘As you sow, so you reap

A tribute to Tulsi bhai Bhimjyani – A Financial Wizard on his 4th death anniversary – 18th May 2024.


Tulsi Bhimjyani: A Financial Wizard…!


You will be surprise to know that Tulsi bhai was an science graduate and not commerce, but finance and accounts was in his blood, very few people in this world who can smell money and Tulsi bhai was one of them – it was a God’s gift…!

I have worked with him for more than 35 years and I know him more than anyone else in this world, but lately, I realized that he was genius, he was financial astrologer, a man who had the ability to envisage the company’s financial future, he had financial skill of budgeting & investing – borrowings & repaying debts, though he didn’t knew these technical parameters but yes he does it in his own unique style:

He can read company’s financials from any page not necessary from first page and he can assess how good or bad company is doing, he can able to figure out whether it true or manipulated balance-sheet, even our auditors Sharad Vimadalal or our tax consultant Rajendra bhai Mehta or CFO Bimal Tanna & Chief accountant Rajesh Shah all were impressed with his financial skill. If our accountant Pandya makes mistake, he use to fire “tu accountant chho ke hajam…!” He will shout at Pandya or sometimes he will abuse him but Pandya always took it as blessings even today he remembers Tulsi bhai- his mentor with all praise & respect.

In 1980s we were No.1 exporters of Basmati rice from India but Tulsi bhai was not excited being no.1 he always says “ketla rupiya banaviya ema mane ras chhe” though his knowledge was limited in quality of Basmati rice, than too, he wants to sell it at premium price. While marketing Basmati, he will speak less about the quality and more on technology “you see we have state-of-art Japanese Satake plant, polishers, grading machine, color sortex and automatic packaging machine to maintain the hygiene…!” That Arab gets impressed on him and Tulsi bhai continues “this is futuristic Basmati rice” that Arab customer will happily give the premium of US$50 per ton. Then Tulsi bhai will look at me and say “joyu aam lallu banavana”

He was a simple man, he loves simple home made food DBRS, he had no vices because nothing stimulates him except money, not even single malt, or stock market nor a roulette table in Las Vegas, he knew that he can make big money only from the property business and so he created the land bank, he purchased acres of land at throw away prices and today after 10 years that land bank has become goldmine…!

Unfortunately, today he is not with us to see what he sow, now his family is reaping…!

Thank you Tulsibhai you taught us a lesson ‘As you sow, so you reap

A tribute to Tulsi bhai Bhimjyani – A Financial Wizard on his 4th death anniversary – 18th May 2024.


Modi 3.0 – Vikas of  middle-class people…!

Narendra Modi sworn in as Prime Minister of India


9th June 2024 Sunday 7.00 pm.

Finally, BJP is here for five years.

Both Nitesh Kumar and Chandra babu Naidu have ditched BJP in the past. They are opportunists, not loyal friends…!

Hence, Modi will have to venture into uncharted territory and play a role as negotiator, gone are the days when BJP could rush through bills in parliament with minimum debate or no debate. Opposition has now double it’s strength. No removal of references to secularism from the constitution, and no Hindu state.

Voters did not vote for communal polarization or an autocratic Modi…! They vote against unemployment, farm distress, rising inequality and Hindutva. The building of Ram Mandir in Ayodhya was biggest media event of the year, the record audiences, seems like the million who rejoiced did not see this an elections issue. Mandir attracted tourist, but not voters hence BJP lost in Ayodhya.

This five years should be for middle-class people, the main focus area should be household savings by reducing the inflation to single digit, in next fives years of Modi 3.0 good governance, development and to deliver quality of life and to reduce the interference in people’s life.

This five years should be dedicated to the middle-class people who has emerged as the driving force in the growth story of India.


Boney M the craze of 1970s…!


In 1970s I was in school in my teens, I had 2 friends in my class Janak Kayani & Rahul Mehta who were crazy about English music and I was hard core Bollywood music lover.

Our school had 2 weekly off Sunday & Thursday, so on Thursday afternoon either I’m with Janak or with Rahul listening to music on their gramaphone, playing title track of James Bond movie or Jazz music by James Last or some Bollywood songs.

One evening on Sunday we were playing cricket in our building compound, Rahul use to stay on ground floor in my building, he started playing Boney M and for first time my ears liked English music, I called Rahul and asked “Kaun sa band hai?” He told me “Boney M I bought the LP just yesterday from Rythem House” I went to his house heard the songs and I became Boney M fan – and even after 45 years Boney M rules my mind and heart.

I dedicate this blog to the team of Boney M – Liz Mitchell, Shayla Bonnick, Bobby Farell, Marcia Barrett.

Thank you Rahul & Janak.

Listen to Boney M – Yogesh Dawda

Ma Baker

Guarantee: Be ready for mid-term poll…!


A person who is habituated for taking independent decisions that too without any consultations, a person who doesn’t like someone asking him questions, a person who is self-obesessed, he had ruled Gujarat as CM and India as PM with full power & majority…! And now in his 3rd term as the PM he has to depends upon his allies even to form government…? The promises he had made to the people during elections campaign how is he going to deliver and Modi ki guarantees…?

Will he be able to take the shit of Nitesh Kumar & Chandra babu Naidu for next 5 years to complete his 3rd term…?

Modi will not find parliament as the same place like the way he use to commands previously, it will be difficult for him to navigate with less than 60 seats difference between NDA and INDIA, and with Nitesh and Naidu on board…?

Both Nitesh & Naidu will want to have say when portfolios are allocated, they will also want a say when key policies including upcoming budget, are formulated.

Both will demand a special status for Bihar and Andhra which BJP has refused to give them earlier, BJP’s pet projects like central law on uniform civil code will be on hold.

Both will be on board on every key legislation, lawmaking will represent a challenge the previous two Modi Sarkar hadn’t faced.

If Modi becomes PM for 3rd term with the support of allies, than the Law of Karma may apply on him – he will also has face the humiliation from his own allies & strong oppositions like what he did to them during last 10 years.

Looking all these factors if Narendra Modi becomes PM of India for 3rd term that mid-term poll is guaranteed…!


PS: In my previous blog I had predicted no political party will cross magical figure of 272.

PM Modi will lose elections from Varanasi and at one point he was training behind by 5000 votes and he won with marginal votes.

Guarantee: Be ready for mid-term poll…!


A person who is habituated for taking independent decisions that too without any consultations, a person who doesn’t like someone asking him questions, a person who is self-obesessed, he had ruled Gujarat as CM and India as PM with full power & majority…! And now in his 3rd term as the PM he has to depends upon his allies even to form government…? The promises he had made to the people during elections campaign how is he going to deliver and Modi ki guarantees…?

Will he be able to take the shit of Nitesh Kumar & Chandra babu Naidu for next 5 years to complete his 3rd term…?

Modi will not find parliament as the same place like the way he use to commands previously, it will be difficult for him to navigate with less than 60 seats difference between NDA and INDIA, and with Nitesh and Naidu on board…?

Both Nitesh & Naidu will want to have say when portfolios are allocated, they will also want a say when key policies including upcoming budget, are formulated.

Both will demand a special status for Bihar and Andhra which BJP has refused to give them earlier, BJP’s pet projects like central law on uniform civil code will be on hold.

Both will be on board on every key legislation, lawmaking will represent a challenge the previous two Modi Sarkar hadn’t faced.

If Modi becomes PM for 3rd term with the support of allies, than the Law of Karma may apply on him – he will also has face the humiliation from his own allies & strong oppositions like what he did to them during last 10 years.

Looking all these factors if Narendra Modi becomes PM of India for 3rd term that mid-term poll is guaranteed…!


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