Jet Airways: Born in 5th May 1993 & Reborn on 5th May 2022…!

Jet Airways creates the history in aviation industry that it’s reborn with the original name.


The airline, which started on May 5, 1993, operated its last commercial flight on April 18, 2019, as it collapsed under a pile of debt. Subsequently, it entered bankruptcy proceedings and was acquired by a consortium of UAE-based businessman Murari Jalan and the UK-based Kalrock Capital. The consortium committed to repaying USD 60 million of the airline’s existing dues.

The Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA), a statutory body of the Indian government to regulate civil aviation, grants operators license to fly their aircraft for commercial purposes after they conduct successful test flights.

After the test flight, Kapoor said the aircraft has been re-born on its birthday — May 5.

Last Thursday, the airline conducted its test flight to and from the Hyderabad airport in a step towards obtaining the air operator certificate.

A letter sent by the civil aviation ministry to the airline on May 6 informed it about the grant of the security clearance by the Union home ministry.  The letter, which has been accessed by PTI, said, it is “directed to refer to your application… to convey security clearance for change in shareholding pattern of the company/firm, for scheduled operator permit, on the basis of security clearance received from the Ministry of Home Affairs”.

“The amount of goodwill this generated has been overwhelming. This is the first time ever an airline has been revived and flown under its original call-sign and name after suspending operations for an extended period. It is truly a historic moment!” he mentioned.

In his e-mail, Kapoor said he found it hard to hold back tears far away at Dublin in Ireland, and that he can imagine what it must have been like for all of the employees, who have been silently toiling away and waiting and praying for this day to come.

Last Thursday’s test flight was conducted to prove to aviation regulator DGCA that the aircraft and its components are operating normally.

After the test flight on Thursday, the airline has to conduct proving flights after which the Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) will grant the Air Operator Certificate (AOC)

This sets us up for our proving flight soon, and thereafter our AOC. All of the hard work by the entire team and promoters coming to fruition!” he said.

“Let us now maintain laser-like focus on the AOC. No room for complacency, we still have a job to do – to get the AOC and then get Jet flying commercially again, operating the safest, classiest, most people-focused, and most loved airline in India!” he added.

Most likely we see Jet Airways back on sky in 3rd quarter say between July-Sept 2022.

One Reply to “”

  1. Jet Airways was my favourite Airline during my Shipping Tenure, whereby, I use to travel very frequently all over India.

    Welcome back JET AIRWAYS !

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